Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
273 lines
(TODO list at bottom)
GRn 2.0 now:
works properly on 2.04, 2.1, 3.0 and 3.1
automatically depth arranges custom screens when required
uses the same text in requesters everywhere
removes files from T: when using NNTP
has more modularized code
no longer crashes when a file isn't in news article format
has the busy pointer set when Subscribing
fails if NNTP startup fails
is *much* smarter about screen and window sizing
uses LESS THAN 1/2 the memory of 1.16f
doesn't have problems with NNTP/socket.library startup
doesn't have problems with Gadtools on 3.0 and 3.1
has custom memory allocation routines that make it run much faster
starts up faster
no longer assumes that the user's grnrc has not gotten corrupted
no longer assumes that Path:, Subject: and From: are valid
doesn't leave a hanging signal when CTRL-C'ed
handles errors from socket.library correctly
strips NNTP messages properly and NNTP operations are now enhanced
adds a References: header when following up to the first message in
a thread
has Cancel working with NNTP
has all I/O AmigaDOS based
has had all known Enforcer and Mungwall hits removed, including one
due to an AmigaDOS FGets() bug
deals properly with empty newsgroups
supports sockser.device and dnet.device in a system-friendly manner
updates gadgets properly when subscribing
has been completely ANSI-fied
sorts the displayed newsgroup list prior to allowing the user to subscribe
implements the SUBSCRIBE keyword
implements the "Rescan News" button
sets GTLV_Selected for the current article
implements ROT-13 support with CTRL-X (no mouse equivalent)
is not case-sensitive when scanning message headers
is now case-insensitive when sort-by-subject
implements Hide-Read messages -- this is the default
has a friendlier crosspost message
shows the first newsgroup after subscribing
displays the error number when a posting error occurs
sets GTLV_MakeVisible for V39 and above systems
has been prepared for localization
closes the custom screen when a low-memory abort occurs
no longer requires the UULib: assign
generates MIME headers for all mail messages and news articles
implements the DISCARD option, such that read article do not have an
entry written to the user's grnrc -- reduces startup time and memory
usage of GRn
presumes that if the user-defined nodename has a period in it, it is
a FQDN and the domainname is ignored
prefixes a period to the user-defined domainname if it doesn't begin
with one
when using socket.library NNTP, the hostname (FQDN) is obtained from
socket.library, and the user may not override those variables
implements NNTP authentication
has an improved grn/8 font
does double click timing according to user preferences
immediately observes a Hide Read request
sets the busy pointer whenever the user's grnrc file is saved, or
the newsgroup status information is updated
does not have memory leaks when a file was Published or a message is
mailed; and all temporary files are removed
consolidates all ASL activities and has been prepared for an ASL
screenmode requester
asks the user whether they wish to post a README as part 0 of a
Publish'ed file
treats an empty file name as an abort condition in Publish
uses the following algorithm:
** SetWhoAmI
** Try to reasonably setup the string used for the From: and
** Submitted-By: headers.
** Finding the hostname is unreasonably complicated because
** AmigaUUCP and Amiga C News and socket.library do not use the
** same set of environment/configuration variables to set the
** hostname.
** The following precedence is used for determination of the
** originating hostname:
** 1) If node is set, and domain is set, then the
** originating host is the concatenation of those
** two strings. If domain does not begin with a
** period, one is added.
** 2) If node is set, and domain is not set then the
** originating host is the node IF the node contains
** a period. If the node does NOT contain a period,
** then .UUCP is appended, and that becomes the
** hostname.
** 3) Domain is not referred to any farther.
** 4) If node is not set, the mygethostname() is called
** which should return the fully qualified hostname
** from whatever networking software is in use (currently
** it calls the socket.library gethostname()).
** 5) If mygethostname() failed (returns < 0), then host
** is used to set the hostname.
** 6) If host is not set, we abort.
** RealName and userName are used as they always have been.
has shift-cursor-right do "Next Group with Articles"
has shift-cursor-left do "Previous Group"
implements the BugAddress environment variable for specifying the
email address to send bug reports
sorts the newsgroup list after a subscribe
uses a safer, Intuition friendly, method for locking out user input
when a requester is displayed
has the Save and Print command set the busy pointer, and display the
"fuel gauge" requester immediately after filename selection
has all requesters look alike
implements the "_mark" button to allow a message to be marked as
prefers the NNTPSERVER command over HOSTNAME
updates the window title after each article is displayed
allows an empty UULib:Config file
displays a message when retrieving the newsgroup list from an
NNTP server
sets the busypointer when sending mail or posting news
uses 32-bit values everywhere
treats "re:" and "Re:" as equivalent when sorting by subject
recognizes requester shortcuts per AUISG
recognizes ESCape as a NO synonym in all requesters
implements SCANALL to scan all files in subscribed newsgroups
during startup (to be used with CNEWS and UPDATERC)
updates the article status display after Catchup
updates the group status display after Junk
respects scrollable public screens and does not require that all
of the window fit in the display clip
sets up Gadgets per AUISG standards
allows a TOP and LEFT specification of zero
centers the status bars in Article and Group mode
enforces a minimum window size of 620x200
implements '0' as a synonym for 'C'atchup in Article Mode
implements a guick move feature in subscribe mode
implements HOST, USER=NAME and REALNAME as parameters and tooltypes;
not just environment variables
implements the same keyboard shortcuts for Subscribe as are present
in Article Mode
only retrieves the newsgroup file from an NNTP server once
displays a fuel gauge if more than 5 articles have to be processed
in a newsgroup at startup
implements the NOSCAN parameter
only activates requester windows when the original window was
no longer opens commodities.library
properly parses boolean options from its icon
allows its window to be resized
implements the NORESIZE parameter to disallow resizing
GRn still doesn't:
implement KILL files
have localization features
have an ASL screen-mode requester
have a "Mark Mode"
support XPK or UMS
support a Unix-standard .newsrc
have an Iconify option
directly support MIME messages
have menus